The Powerpuff Girls End Theme has higher complexity than the average song in terms Melodic Complexity and Chord Progression Novelty.
The Powerpuff Girls End Theme is written in the key of C Mixolydian. According to the Theorytab database, it is the 4th most popular key among Mixolydian keys and the 29th most popular among all keys. The C Mixolydian scale is similar to the C Major scale except that its 7th note (B♭) is a half step lower. Mixolydian chord progressions are heavily featured in many genres of music like classic rock, which relies on the major chord built on the 7th scale degree. See the C Mixolydian Cheat Sheet for popular chords, chord progressions, downloadable midi files and more!
(She Was A) Hotel Detective by They Might Be Giants |
15 Step by Radiohead |
2 2 5 by Radiohead |
4 by Aphex Twin |
4 Minute Warning by Radiohead |
A Punchup at a Wedding by Radiohead |
A Self Called Nowhere by They Might Be Giants |
A Warm Place by Nine Inch Nails |
A Wolf At The Door by Radiohead |
Aaa by They Might Be Giants |
Ageispolis by Aphex Twin |
Airbag by Radiohead |
Airplane by The Beach Boys |
Aisle Seat 37-D by Grandaddy |
Alarm Call by Bjork |
Alberto Balsam by Aphex Twin |
All I Need by Radiohead |
All I Wanna Do by The Beach Boys |
All Is Full Of Love by Bjork |
All My Favorite Songs by Weezer |
All The Love In The World by Nine Inch Nails |
AM 180 by Grandaddy |
Ana Ng by They Might Be Giants |
And All That Could Have Been by Nine Inch Nails |
And Your Dream Comes True by The Beach Boys |
Another Version Of The Truth by Nine Inch Nails |
Anyone Can Play Guitar by Radiohead |
April 8th by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Army of Me by Bjork |
AT(and)T by Pavement |
Atom Dance by Bjork |
Audio Video Disco by Justice |
Avril 14th by Aphex Twin |
Bachelorette by Bjork |
Backdrifts by Radiohead |
Barbara Ann by The Beach Boys |
Become a Robot by They Might Be Giants |
Bee Of The Bird Of The Moth by They Might Be Giants |
Beverly Hills by Weezer |
Big Dipper by Built to Spill |
Birdhouse In Your Soul by They Might Be Giants |
Black Out by Pavement |
Black Star by Radiohead |
Bloom by Radiohead |
Blow a Wish by My Bloody Valentine |
Blow Out by Radiohead |
Blown A Wish by My Bloody Valentine |
Boat of Car by They Might Be Giants |
Bodysnatchers by Radiohead |
Bones by Radiohead |
Boss Of Me by They Might Be Giants |
Break Away by The Beach Boys |
Bucephalus Bouncing Ball by Aphex Twin |
Buddy Holly by Weezer |
Bullet Proof - I Wish I Was by Radiohead |
Burn The Witch by Radiohead |
Burndt Jamb by Weezer |
Busy Doin' Nothin' by The Beach Boys |
California Girls by The Beach Boys |
California Kids by Weezer |
Can't Keep Johnny Down by They Might Be Giants |
Capital G by Nine Inch Nails |
Caroline No by The Beach Boys |
Carry The Zero by Built To Spill |
Catch a Wave by The Beach Boys |
Certain People I Could Name by They Might Be Giants |
Civilization by Justice |
Climbing Up The Walls by Radiohead |
Climbing Up the Walls (Zero 7 Mix) by Radiohead |
Closer by Nine Inch Nails |
Codex by Radiohead |
Come in Alone by My Bloody Valentine |
Communist Daughter by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Cowtown by They Might Be Giants |
Crab by Weezer |
Creep by Radiohead |
Crying by Bjork |
Cut Your Hair by Pavement |
Cuttooth by Radiohead |
Cyclops Rock by They Might Be Giants |
DANCE by Justice |
Darlin' by The Beach Boys |
Daydreaming by Radiohead |
Dead by They Might Be Giants |
Decks Dark by Radiohead |
Deirdre by The Beach Boys |
Dinner Bell by They Might Be Giants |
Disney Girls (1957) by The Beach Boys |
Dissolved Girl by Massive Attack |
Doctor Worm by They Might Be Giants |
Don't Let's Start by They Might Be Giants |
Don't Talk - Put Your Head On My Shoulder by The Beach Boys |
Don't Worry Baby by The Beach Boys |
Dope Nose by Weezer |
Dreamin by Weezer |
Drive It All Over Me by My Bloody Valentine |
DVNO by Justice |
Earth Intruders by Bjork |
El Scorcho by Weezer |
Electioneering by Radiohead |
Elevate me Later by Pavement |
End of the Rope by They Might Be Giants |
Enjoy by Bjork |
Every Day Is Exactly the Same by Nine Inch Nails |
Everything In Its Right Place by Radiohead |
Everything Is Catching On Fire by They Might Be Giants |
Everything Right Is Wrong Again by They Might Be Giants |
Exit Music - For a Film by Radiohead |
Exit Music (For A Film) by Radiohead |
Experimental Film by They Might Be Giants |
Fake Plastic Trees by Radiohead |
Fall Together by Weezer |
Falling For You by Weezer |
Faust Arp by Radiohead |
Feel Flows by The Beach Boys |
Figure Eight by They Might Be Giants |
Find My Way by Nine Inch Nails |
Fingerbib by Aphex Twin |
Fingertips (Banjo) by They Might Be Giants |
Fitter Happier by Radiohead |
Flim by Aphex Twin |
Flying V by They Might Be Giants |
Fog by Radiohead |
Fog (Again) by Radiohead |
Forever by The Beach Boys |
Friends by The Beach Boys |
Ful Stop by Radiohead |
Genesis by Justice |
Getchoo by Weezer |
Girls On The Beach by The Beach Boys |
Give Up The Ghost by Radiohead |
Go To Sleep by Radiohead |
God Only Knows by The Beach Boys |
Gold Soundz by Pavement |
Good Vibrations by The Beach Boys |
Group Four by Massive Attack |
Had To Phone Ya by The Beach Boys |
Hand That Feeds by Nine Inch Nails |
Hash Pipe by Weezer |
Head Like a Hole by Nine Inch Nails |
Hearing Aid by They Might Be Giants |
Heirloom by Bjork |
Heliosphan by Aphex Twin |
Helix by Justice |
Hell Hotel by They Might Be Giants |
Hello Mrs Wheelyke by They Might Be Giants |
Help Me I Am In Hell by Nine Inch Nails |
Here by Pavement |
Here Today by The Beach Boys |
Heresy by Nine Inch Nails |
Hidden Place by Bjork |
High and Dry by Radiohead |
Holiday by Weezer |
Holland 1945 by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Honey Power by My Bloody Valentine |
Hopeless Bleak Despair by They Might Be Giants |
House of Cards by Radiohead |
Hovering Sombrero by They Might Be Giants |
How I Made My Millions by Radiohead |
How To Disappear Completely by Radiohead |
Human Behaviour by Bjork |
Hunter by Bjork |
Hurt by Nine Inch Nails |
Hyperballad by Bjork |
I Am Alone by They Might Be Giants |
I Am Invisible by They Might Be Giants |
I Can Add by They Might Be Giants |
I Can't Remember the Dream by They Might Be Giants |
I Don't Want To Let You Go by Weezer |
I Hear The Wind Blow by They Might Be Giants |
I Just Wasn't Made for These Times by The Beach Boys |
I Left My Body by They Might Be Giants |
I Like Fun by They Might Be Giants |
I Love You for Psychological Reasons by They Might Be Giants |
I Might Be Wrong by Radiohead |
I Only Said by My Bloody Valentine |
I Palindrome I by They Might Be Giants |
I Wanna Pick You Up by The Beach Boys |
I Want You To by Weezer |
I Will by Radiohead |
I Would Hurt a Fly by Built to Spill |
I'd Love Just Once to See You by The Beach Boys |
I'll Be Haunting You by They Might Be Giants |
I'm Impressed by They Might Be Giants |
I'm Looking Forward To Joining You Finally by Nine Inch Nails |
I'm Waiting for the Day by The Beach Boys |
I've Seen It All by Bjork |
I've Seen It All (with Thom Yorke) by Bjork |
Icky by They Might Be Giants |
Identikit by Radiohead |
Idioteque by Radiohead |
If I Am by My Bloody Valentine |
If You Say the Word by Radiohead |
In Another Way by My Bloody Valentine |
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea by Neutral Milk Hotel |
In the Back of My Mind by The Beach Boys |
In This Twilight by Nine Inch Nails |
India Rubber by Radiohead |
Intro by Ratatat |
Island in the Sun by Weezer |
Istanbul (Not Constantinople) by They Might Be Giants |
It's Not My Birthday by They Might Be Giants |
It's Not Up to You by Bjork |
It's Oh So Quiet by Bjork |
It's OK by The Beach Boys |
Iz-us by Aphex Twin |
Jigsaw Falling Into Place by Radiohead |
Joga by Bjork |
Johnny Carson by The Beach Boys |
Just by Radiohead |
Just Like You Imagined by Nine Inch Nails |
Karma Police by Radiohead |
Kid A by Radiohead |
Killer Cars by Radiohead |
King of Carrot Flowers by Neutral Milk Hotel |
King of the World by Weezer |
Kings Of The Cave by They Might Be Giants |
Kiss Me Baby by The Beach Boys |
Kiss Me Son of God by They Might Be Giants |
Knives Out by Radiohead |
Kokomo by The Beach Boys |
LA Girlz by Weezer |
La Mer by Nine Inch Nails |
Last Flowers by Radiohead |
Leaving Hope by Nine Inch Nails |
Let Down by Radiohead |
Let There Be Light by Justice |
Let's Go Away for Awhile by The Beach Boys |
Let's Put Our Hearts Together by The Beach Boys |
Lichen by Aphex Twin |
Life in a Glasshouse by Radiohead |
Lift by Radiohead |
Like Someone In Love by Bjork |
Like Spinning Plates (Why Us Version) by Radiohead |
Little Deuce Coupe by The Beach Boys |
Little Saint Nick by The Beach Boys |
Loomer by My Bloody Valentine |
Lose My Breath by My Bloody Valentine |
Lotus Flower by Radiohead |
Loud Pipes by Ratatat |
Lucky by Radiohead |
Lucky Ball and Chain by They Might Be Giants |
Man Its So Loud in Here by They Might Be Giants |
Man Next Door by Massive Attack |
Man Of War by Radiohead |
Mannequin Love by Justice |
Meet the Elements by They Might Be Giants |
Memo to Human Resources by They Might Be Giants |
Metal Detector by They Might Be Giants |
Minipops 67 by Aphex Twin |
Montee by Radiohead |
Morning Bell by Radiohead |
Morning Mr Magpie by Radiohead |
Motion Picture Soundtrack by Radiohead |
Museum Of Idiots by They Might Be Giants |
Mutual Core by Bjork |
My Evil Twin by They Might Be Giants |
My Iron Lung by Radiohead |
My Little Corner of the World by Yo La Tengo |
My Man by They Might Be Giants |
My Name Is Jonas by Weezer |
Myxomatosis by Radiohead |
Naomi by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Narrow Your Eyes by They Might Be Giants |
Neverender by Justice |
New You by My Bloody Valentine |
Nice Dream by Radiohead |
Nightgown of the Sullen Moon by They Might Be Giants |
No Answer by They Might Be Giants |
No One Else by Weezer |
No One Knows My Plan by They Might Be Giants |
No Surprises by Radiohead |
Nude by Radiohead |
Oceania by Bjork |
Oh Comely by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Ohio by Justice |
Ohm by Yo La Tengo |
One Day by Bjork |
One Night All Night by Justice |
Only In Dreams by Weezer |
Only Shallow by My Bloody Valentine |
Only Tomorrow by My Bloody Valentine |
Optimistic by Radiohead |
oral ft rosalia by Bjork |
Our Sweet Love by The Beach Boys |
Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box by Radiohead |
Pagan Poetry by Bjork |
Palo Alto by Radiohead |
PAPAT4 by Aphex Twin |
Paradise Circus by Massive Attack |
Paranoid Android by Radiohead |
Particle Man by They Might Be Giants |
Passing By by The Beach Boys |
Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys |
Phantom Pt II by Justice |
Photograph by Weezer |
Piggy by Nine Inch Nails |
Pinion by Nine Inch Nails |
Pink Triangle by Weezer |
Planet Telex by Radiohead |
Planisphere by Justice |
Please Let Me Wonder by The Beach Boys |
Polyethylene (Parts 1 and 2) by Radiohead |
Pork and Beans by Weezer |
Possibly Maybe by Bjork |
Present Tense by Radiohead |
Protection by Massive Attack |
Push Back The Hands by They Might Be Giants |
Pyramid Song by Radiohead |
Rabid Child by They Might Be Giants |
Randy by Justice |
Rattled by the Rush by Pavement |
Read A Book by They Might Be Giants |
Reckoner by Radiohead |
Records by Weezer |
Rhubarb by Aphex Twin |
Ripe - With Decay by Nine Inch Nails |
Risingson by Massive Attack |
Ruiner by Nine Inch Nails |
Safe And Sound by Justice |
Sail To The Moon by Radiohead |
Sally Boy Candy Bar by They Might Be Giants |
Santa's Beard by They Might Be Giants |
Saturday Come Slow by Massive Attack |
Say It Ain't So by Weezer |
Scatterbrain by Radiohead |
See the Constellation by They Might Be Giants |
Sensurround by They Might Be Giants |
Separator by Radiohead |
Shady Lane by Pavement |
she found now by My Bloody Valentine |
She Knows Me Too Well by The Beach Boys |
Silence Kit by Pavement |
Snowball in Hell by They Might be Giants |
Someone Keeps Moving My Chair by They Might Be Giants |
Something I Can Never Have by Nine Inch Nails |
Sometimes by My Bloody Valentine |
Soon by My Bloody Valentine |
Stalk of Wheat by They Might Be Giants |
Stand on Your Own Head by They Might Be Giants |
Stomp Box by They Might Be Giants |
Stone in Focus by Aphex Twin |
Stonemilker by Bjork |
Stop by Justice |
Stop Breathin by Pavement |
Storm by Bjork |
Street Spirit (Fade Out) by Radiohead |
Stress by Justice |
Stuff Is Way by They Might Be Giants |
Stupid Car by Radiohead |
Subterranean Homesick Alien by Radiohead |
Such Great Heights by The Postal Service |
Sulk by Radiohead |
Summer Elaine and Drunk Dori by Weezer |
Sun In My Mouth by Bjork |
Sunspots by Nine Inch Nails |
Surf's Up by The Beach Boys |
Surfer Girl by The Beach Boys |
Surfin' USA by The Beach Boys |
Talk Show host by Radiohead |
Taste the Fame by They Might Be Giants |
Teardrop by Massive Attack |
Terrible Lie by Nine Inch Nails |
Thank God For Girls by Weezer |
That's Not Me by The Beach Boys |
The Becoming by Nine Inch Nails |
The Bends by Radiohead |
The British Are Coming by Weezer |
The Daily Mail by Radiohead |
The Day The World Went Away - Quiet by Nine Inch Nails |
The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails |
The Edison Museum by They Might Be Giants |
The End by Justice |
The End of the Tour by They Might Be Giants |
The Frail by Nine Inch Nails |
The Gloaming by Radiohead |
The Go in the Go-For-It by Grandaddy |
The Good Life by Weezer |
The Great Below by Nine Inch Nails |
The Greatest by They Might Be Giants |
The Greatest Man That Ever Lived by Weezer |
The Lovers by Nine Inch Nails |
The New Flesh by Nine Inch Nails |
The Night Was So Young by The Beach Boys |
The Numbers by Radiohead |
The Perfect Drug by Nine Inch Nails |
The Persistence of Loss by Nine Inch Nails |
The Spoils by Massive Attack |
The Statue Got Me High by They Might Be Giants |
The Tourist by Radiohead |
The World Has Turned And Left Me Here by Weezer |
The World's Address by They Might Be Giants |
The Worriment Waltz by Nine Inch Nails |
There There by Radiohead |
They'll Need A Crane by They Might Be Giants |
This Whole World by The Beach Boys |
Three AKA Rhubarb by Aphex Twin |
Tick Tick Tick Tick by They Might Be Giants |
Til I Die by The Beach Boys |
Till My Head Falls Off by They Might Be Giants |
Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man by Radiohead |
To Here Knows When by My Bloody Valentine |
Treefingers by Radiohead |
Tropicana by Ratatat |
Troublemaker by Weezer |
True Love Waits by Radiohead |
Twin Falls by Built to Spill |
Twisting by They Might Be Giants |
Two-Headed Boy by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Undo by Bjork |
Undone - The Sweater Song by Weezer |
Unfair by Pavement |
Unfinished Sympathy by Massive Attack |
Unison by Bjork |
Unravel by Bjork |
Unrelated Thing by They Might Be Giants |
Valentine by Justice |
Venus As A Boy by Bjork |
Videotape by Radiohead |
Vordhosbn by Aphex Twin |
Waters Of Nazareth by Justice |
We Dance by Pavement |
We Suck Young Blood by Radiohead |
We're In This Together by Nine Inch Nails |
Wearing a Raincoat by They Might Be Giants |
Weep Day by They Might Be Giants |
Weird Fishes Arpeggi by Radiohead |
What You Want by My Bloody Valentine |
When It Rains It Snows by They Might Be Giants |
When You Sleep by My Bloody Valentine |
Where I End and You Begin by Radiohead |
Where You'll Find Me Now by Neutral Milk Hotel |
Where Your Eyes Don't Go by They Might Be Giants |
Who Is It by Bjork |
Who Sees You by My Bloody Valentine |
Why Must I Be Sad by They Might Be Giants |
Windowlicker by Aphex Twin |
Wish by Nine Inch Nails |
wonder 2 by My Bloody Valentine |
Wonderful by The Beach Boys |
Wouldn't It Be Nice by The Beach Boys |
Xtal by Aphex Twin |
You by Radiohead |
You And Whose Army by Radiohead |
You Still Believe In Me by The Beach Boys |
You're On Fire by They Might Be Giants |
Your Racist Friend by They Might Be Giants |
Zero Sum by Nine Inch Nails |
Laplander by easyFun |
Balatro Main Theme by LouisF |
Balatro Main Theme by LouisF |
Balatro Main Theme by LouisF |
O Voo Da Mosca by Jacob do Bandolim |
Balatro Main Theme by LouisF |
O Voo Da Mosca by Jacob do Bandolim |
Balatro Main Theme by LouisF |
Valentine by Laufey |
Eyesore by Women |
Valentine by Laufey |
Eyesore by Women |
All in Your Mind by Mariah Carey |
Key by Virtual Self |
Mess It Up by Gracie Abrams |
Mess It Up by Gracie Abrams |
Risk by Gracie Abrams |
I Love You I'm Sorry by Gracie Abrams |
I Love You I'm Sorry by Gracie Abrams |
All in Your Mind by Mariah Carey |
GTFO by Mariah Carey |
8th Grade by Mariah Carey |
Backstabber by Kesha |
Backstabber by Kesha |
Backstabber by Kesha |
Backstabber by Kesha |
Popular by Ariana Grande |
Bit Of Rain by Empress Of |
Give Love On Christmas Day by Jackson 5 |
Zaalima by Arijit Singh |
Give Love On Christmas Day by Jackson 5 |
I don't know what I'm doing by Mameyudoufu |
Game Over - Super Mario Bros by Koji Kondo |
Popular by Ariana Grande |
Melodie Main Menu Theme by Brawl Stars |
Title Screen by Eirik Suhrke |
Mothership by Eirik Suhrke |
Mothership by Eirik Suhrke |
Jungle C by Eirik Suhrke |
Jungle C by Eirik Suhrke |
Smiles on Faces by Stick Figure |
The High Road by Broken Bells |
The High Road by Broken Bells |
UP (KARINA Solo) by aespa |
My House by Flo Rida |
Trying to Feel Alive by Porter Robinson |
Year Of The Cup by Porter Robinson |
Plague Inc Evolved OST - Plague Blossom by Marius Masalar |
Plague Inc Evolved OST - Plague Blossom by Marius Masalar |
Plague Inc Evolved OST - Plague Blossom by Marius Masalar |
Year Of The Cup by Porter Robinson |
Dancing in the Rain by Bitterjoe |
The Vampyre Of Time And Memory by Queens of the Stone Age |
The Vampyre Of Time And Memory by Queens of the Stone Age |
Cake By The Ocean by DNCE |
The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani |
The Sweet Escape by Gwen Stefani |
Who's In Your Head by Jonas Brothers |
Who's In Your Head by Jonas Brothers |
Who's In Your Head by Jonas Brothers |
Artificial Sweetener by No Doubt |
Artificial Sweetener by No Doubt |
Artificial Sweetener by No Doubt |
Like a Girl Does by Peach PRC |
That's Why (You Go Away) by Michael Learns to Rock |
That's Why (You Go Away) by Michael Learns to Rock |
Oh Susanna by Stephen Foster |
Oh Susanna by Stephen Foster |
Regret by New Order |
Video Killed The Radio Star by The Buggles |
Moon Waltz by Cojum Dip |
Dream the Dead by Caligula's Horse |
Que Sera Sera by Doris Day |
Fortnite Song by Misha |
Que Sera Sera by Doris Day |
Wet by Dazey and the Scouts |
I Hate To Eat Alone by 10cc |
I Hate To Eat Alone by 10cc |
I Hate To Eat Alone by 10cc |
Wildest Dreams (Taylor's Version) by Taylor Swift |
Island by MBB |
Living for the City by Stevie Wonder |
Living for the City by Stevie Wonder |
Sympathy is a knife by Charli XCX |
Someday at Christmas by Stevie Wonder |
Someday at Christmas by Stevie Wonder |
Master Blaster (Jammin') by Stevie Wonder |
Higher Ground by Stevie Wonder |
Cheerleader by Porter Robinson |
De la Vida Como Pelicula Tragedia Comedia y Ficcio by Canserbero |
Echo by Clairo |
Add Up My Love by Clairo |
Polaris by Zero 7 |
Polaris by Zero 7 |
Polaris by Zero 7 |
Softly by Clairo |
Wet by Dazey and the Scouts |
Wet by Dazey and the Scouts |
A Pain That I'm Used To by Depeche Mode |