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ecannyx (Outro) The octaves in the harmony of the first bar are, again, deliberate and accurate. I know it's weird for a tab here!
about an hour ago on Asleep in the Deep by Henry W Petrie
ecannyx (Chorus) The doubling of the melody in the bass line of the harmony is deliberate and accurate.
about an hour ago on Asleep in the Deep by Henry W Petrie
ecannyx (Verse) The low melody is intentional and, I think, a key part of the song.
about an hour ago on Asleep in the Deep by Henry W Petrie
chicknz (Instrumental) Is this actually created by Zlotskii or is it some stock music off the web. Also what is the last chord of the fourth measure someone tell [ ... ]
22 hours ago on GamePigeon - Knockout theme by Vitalii Zlotskii
Haapsalu (Chorus) This slaps incredibly hard
2 days ago on Science Mystery by DOVA-SYNDROME
aaavb1 (Intro) It's an ambient song, and idk if it's in D major or G lydian
3 days ago on Angelic Forest by Doug Maxwell and Media Right Productions
ecannyx (Verse) The recording is little bit lower-pitched, but I think B minor is as close as possible.
4 days ago on If You Want Me to Stay by Sly and the Family Stone
diegoiramirezc (Verse) Lotion, great song with dissonance and quarter beat changes. Can't tab the vocals to save my life haha
5 days ago on Lotion by Deftones
Haapsalu (Intro) I love the powerful piano chords on this
5 days ago on Science Mystery by DOVA-SYNDROME
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