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drib (Chorus) Simple but interesting chord progression
10 hours ago on Wiseman no theme by Ayaka Harada - Akari Kito - Ayumi Mano
running_007 (Bridge) Beginning chords are probably wrong
11 hours ago on Bowser's Lava Lake Keep - Super Mario 3D World by Nintendo
now21234567890 (Verse) Weezer's "Island in the Sun" demo
Yesterday on Hide Into The Sun by Weezer
Sum7Nites (Chorus) Can also be set to Bb major, but G minor works better as a tonic.
Yesterday on Broken by Depeche Mode
ManuelZ (Chorus) This is a fan-made track in the style of Sonic CD's American score. Inspirations for it were Tangerine Dream's Rockoon, from their 1992 [ ... ]
Yesterday on Dubious Depths Present US Concept by ManuelZ
ManuelZ (Verse) This is a fan-made track in the style of Sonic CD's American score. Inspirations for it were Tangerine Dream's Rockoon, from their 1992 [ ... ]
Yesterday on Dubious Depths Present US Concept by ManuelZ
Fooperterooney (Intro) Don't know how to transcribe the ending because of the vocal fry haha
2 days ago on Shoes Are Not The Blues by Fooperterooney
now21234567890 (Verse) I think the melody might be a bit inaccurate on the last half
2 days ago on Spitfire by Porter Robinson
Sum7Nites (Outro) Melody follows lower singer
2 days ago on I Want It All by Depeche Mode
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